The Technical Program is the following:


Technical sessions

Wednesday 20

  • Session 1: Smart Grid Applications, Chair: Stefano Basagni (Northeastern University, USA)
    • “A Hybrid Energy Harvesting Framework for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks Based Smart Grid Application”, Huseyin Ugur Yildiz, Vehbi Cagri Gungor, Bulent Tavli
    • “Load Balancing and Performance Optimization in wM-Bus Smart Meter Networks”, Andrea Pimpinella, Alessandro E. C. Redondi, Matteo Cesana 
  • Session 2: Novel base station concepts, Chair: Christoph Sommer (Paderborn University, Germany)
    • “Self-Organizing Flying Drones with Massive MIMO Networking”, Zhangyu Guan, Nan Cen, Tommaso Melodia, Scott Pudlewski 
    • “Adaptive densification of mobile networks: exploring correlations in vehicular and telecom traffic”, Foroogh Mohammadnia, Marco Fiore, Marco Ajmone Marsan
    • “Joint Path and Radio Resource Management for UAVs Supporting Mobile Radio Networks”, Silvia Mignardi, Roberto Verdone
  • Keynote, Chair: Andrea Tanella (University of Padova, Italy)

Thursday 21

  • Session 3: Channels, Chair: Luigi Paura (Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy)
    • “Performance Study of LTE and mmWave in Vehicle-to-Network Communications”, Marco Giordani, Andrea Zanella, Takamasa Higuchi, Onur Altintas, Michele Zorzi
    • “Empirical Analysis and Modeling of Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) Advertisement Channels”, Ali Nikoukar, Mansour Abboud, Borna Samadi, Mesut Günes, Behnam Dezfouli
    • “Pairing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth MAC Addresses Through Passive Packet Capture”, Edoardo Longo, Alessandro E. C. Redondi, Matteo Cesana
  • Session 4: Access techniques, Chair: Roberto Petroccia (NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation, Italy)
    • “Towards Traffic-oriented Spreading Factor allocations in LoRaWAN systems”, Francesca Cuomo, Julio Cesar Carrasquel Gamez, Antonio Maurizio, Laura Scipione, Manuel Campo, Alberto Caponi, Giuseppe Bianchi, Giampaolo Rossini, Patrizio Pisani 
    • “Dynamic Access Class Barring Parameter Tuning in LTE-A Networks with Massive M2M Traffic”, Luis Tello-Oquendo, José-Ramón Vidal, Vicent Pla, Luis Guijarro 
    • “Initial Access Frameworks for 3GPP NR at mmWave Frequencies”, Marco Giordani, Michele Polese, Arnab Roy, Douglas Castor, Michele Zorzi
  • Panel + Invited Talk, Chair: Guy Pujolle (UPMC – Paris 6, France)

Friday 22

  • Session 5: Networks, Chair: Alessandro E. C. Redondi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
    • “Border Effects on Connectivity for Randomly Oriented Directional Antenna Networks”, Amitabha Bagchi, Federico Corò, Cristina M. Pinotti, Vlady Ravelomanana
    • “Confirmed Traffic in LoRaWAN: Pitfalls and Countermeasures”, Martina Capuzzo, Davide Magrin, Andrea Zanella
    • “A Hybrid Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks”, Roberto Petroccia, João Alves
  • Session 6: Service provision, Chair: Zhangyu Guan (Northeastern University, USA)
    • “Just-In-Time Proactive Caching for DASH Video Streaming”, Rita Coutinho, Federico Chiariotti, Daniel Zucchetto, Andrea Zanella 
    • “SDN-Based Architecture for Providing Reliable Internet of Things Connectivity in 5G Systems”, Luis Tello-Oquendo, Ian F. Akyildiz, Shih-Chun Lin, Vicent Pla
    • “Enhanced 5G V2X Services using Sidelink Device-to-Device Communications”, Nestor Bonjorn, Fotis Foukalas, Paul Pop 

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